Ayu Angelina Ronosulistyo
General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia
Title: A case report: Morbidly adherent placenta following first cesarean deliveries on september 2019 in hasan sadikin hospital bandung
Biography: Ayu Angelina Ronosulistyo
Placenta accreta is an abnormal trophoblast invasion of the placenta to the myometrium, instead of the decidua.1 It refers to the range of pathologic adherence of the placenta, including placenta accreta, placenta increta, and placenta percreta. This condition is associated with severe obstetric hemorrhage usually necessitating hysterectomy.2 An important risk factor for placenta accreta is the previous cesarean section (CS), with the incidence increasing with the number of prior CS. According to American Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology (AJOG), the risk for placenta acrcreta was 0,03% for those at their first CS and increasing if there was placenta previa. The association between placenta accreta after a primary CS regardless to the co-existence of placenta previa in the subsequent pregnancy has not been fully evaluated.3 Three cases of placenta accreta on September 2019 in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital confirmed histologically were seemed to have similar risk factors. Two cases of placenta previa percreta and one increta were treated with total hysterectomy. In the present study, we report women with a primary CS had a higher risk for placenta accrete-associated maternal complications. This condition should be considered in the clinical judgment of whether to perform a primary cesarean delivery.